Brazilian Knots
It consists in a strand by strand technique that uses an elasticised thread to keep the extensions attached to the natural hair. The elasticised thread used has been especially designed to avoid any sort of damage to the hair and to allow for a high level of creativity and versatility in the styling methods that can be used. It also creates an incredibly strong yet flexible bond that is durable while being very kind on the hair around it.
This method does not involve glue or any other kind of material that could damage your hair. This means that they won’t react badly to external conditions such as heat or rain and is ideal for a woman who lives an active lifestyle and doesn’t want to worry about looking after her hair every moment of the day.
The extensions will remain in very good shape until it is time for maintenance or removal. Your extensions should be removed or refitted every 10 to 14 weeks (depending on hair type/strength). During consultation you will be advised by your stylist how long you should keep your extensions in for. We strongly advise you to follow his recommendation because if you keep them for too long damage may occur.
Some people may feel a little bit of tightness over the first couple of days after they are fitted but this will go away, while others don’t feel any sort of discomfort at all.
Despite this being just about the most lightweight way of adding hair extensions possible, some ladies also say that they can “feel” the extensions at first. After a few days this sensation will disappear completely and it will all feel exactly like your own natural hair.
Ideally, your own hair needs to be minimum 4 to 6 inches in length in order for the extensions to be fitted perfectly in place. The process for adding these extensions is comfortable and smooth and can take up to 7 hours for the full process to be completed. The average client takes about 5 hours.
This method of making hair longer and fuller can be applied to ANY type of hair provided that is in good condition and of a reasonable length. It is particularly popular with women who want a beautiful and natural look.
Another piece of good news is that the Brazilian Knots extensions are designed to last for several months once in place. This is one of the reasons why they are such a good choice for anyone looking for a reasonably long-term way of boosting their natural hair’s looks, length and volume.
Ladies with Afro and mixed race hair may need to consider a smoothing treatment to make their hair more manageable while they use these hair extensions. This isn’t going to affect how long the Brazilian Knots last for, though. As mentioned above your extensions should be removed or refitted every 10 to 14 weeks you can however use the hair provided by us for up to 18 months. We use only premium double drawn Asian hair and it can be reused several times.